During my first pregnancy I will admit I have 1 picture and its not a digital image but a print so it makes it even more special the reason why? I wasn’t using facebook anywhere near as often as I am now. I am disappointed! I’d stacked on a lot of weight. Not being a princess here – it was around the 23kgs mark! and I was very self conscious and embarrassed about how I looked.Lots of people telling me how I looked well! Lol this used to bother me but not anymore – Now, 7 years later and with one more child, I regret that I have hardly any images of my first pregnancy with my gorgeous first born son. I may not have thought I was beautiful then, but as I have grown older – along with my two children – I do wish that I would’ve had the confidence to have left more photographic memories. I remember how my belly looked the first time around, it would have been nice to compare it to my rather small belly second time round.
1, Beautiful! Yes YOU are.
We all have the voice inside that likes to be naughty! You may feel tired, nauseous, sore, aching and round but from the outside, we don’t feel those things that may lead you to think that you look terrible! Instead, we see a beautiful woman bringing a new life (or two or more!) into the world, with a gorgeous little bubba growing inside . Pregnancy is a thing of beauty, awe and a miracle for many people – and it will be for you too if you ignore the voices in your mind telling you otherwise. Gosh, some women surely feel envious and jealous of you too, remembering what a special time pregnancy was and/or wishing they were in your shoes! You will only be pregnant a few times (if that) in your entire life. No matter if you think you look far from glowing or glamourous, a skilled pregnancy photographer can easily draw out the beauty, love and femininity of pregnancy – you may just surprise yourself…
2, Siblings can bond they will love the attention.
If you have children already, they may feel really special by being in some of your maternity photos, hugging your belly, kissing your belly – showing their love, at most of the pregnancy photography photo sessions children want to play, love you and “their” baby belly. It will help them to feel important too, and a nice memory which they can look at one day and remember, ‘I was there when you were in mummy’s tummy!’ Some children may feel apprehensive about changes coming – what it will mean for them when the baby comes. Pregnancy photos with your older child(ren) is a nice way to put a fun and exciting touch to your family changing.
3, Professional Photographers Are Much Better Than Home Shots!
Talking from experience with my first pregnancy. Yes, you could take images at home, or get them done by a friend or family member. But a professional photographer can create a work of art, taking into consideration the best angles, lighting, effects, focus and depth – they can totally transform what would otherwise be just a shot of you, into a story, a feeling, a work of art. They can prepare any images you may want printed and give them a great finish that will ‘wow’ not only you, but your friends and family – images that relatives may want to purchase and treasure for themselves. Great photos make great presents too!
4, It’s Not As Expensive As You Might Think
Many people associate professional photography with costing a lot, but it isn’t the case. Most photographers these days have many options which enable you to have a digital versions and you can use them as you wish. They usually have a sitting fee, then you can choose prints and digitals to be included in your package. Considering how much we spend photographing our wedding day, a pregnancy photo shoot which is just as memorable if not more costs a fraction of that. That said, you need to weigh up cost and quality. You do generally get what you pay for, but using common sense by doing your homework, seeing the photographers work and getting word of mouth recommendations can save you heartbreak if they don’t turn out like you asked or hoped for. You also have options to pay with no interest on a payment plan this certainly helps with cash flow in the family budget, also utilising your baby shower and making friends and loved ones know that you if they wanted to purchase a little gift then a voucher from the Photographer would be perfect!
5. Once It’s Gone, It’s Gone
There are only a few months in your life, per baby, that you’ll have a glorious noticeable, round belly – sadly it takes months to show and you have that in-between ‘could be a squishy tummy but could also be pregnant’ stage too! Before you know it, the birth is over, they’ll be at school, or having their own kids, just like your parents will tell you. And those precious moments of pregnancy will be but a distant memory. Even if it’s something you do just in case you might want it later, I don’t know anyone who has regretted getting a pregnancy photo shoot – but I know plenty who regret not doing it. Myself Included!
Wanting to discuss ideas and to know a little more then click the link here to find out a little more of what goes on during the session. Wanna Chat? Call me 0449658131 or send through your details here