How to prepare yourself for a new born
How do you prepare yourself for a new born? 9 months can seem like a long time to the average person. But when you have a baby on the way before you know it you are a week from your due date wondering where all the time has gone! Besides all the things you need to know about how to care for an actual baby its important to know how to prepare yourself! Don’t forget that you need looking after too.
If you have been working full time for most of your pregnancy you might be hanging out for those few weeks off before birth, but trust us, lazing around can get boring very quickly! Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get through it.
Pack your bag
Make sure that you pack a hospital bag a few weeks prior to your due date. You want to be as comfortable as possible while you are in the hospital and you wont have time once the contractions start. For a list of essentials view our Facebook post here.
Clean the house
This is something that you will really appreciate later. Even if you have to pay someone to have it professionally cleaned. Once the baby is born you wont have time to clean for a while! Even when the baby is sleeping soundly, you will find you need to sleep then too.
Prepare food that you can defrost
You will be so worried about making sure your new born is fed that you wont really think about yourself. But it is important that you stay strong and healthy! Freezing your favorite home cooked meals for this period is a great way to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.
Plan for comfort
The first few weeks you will be tired and sore aso make sure you have plently of comfortable breastfeeding friendly clothes! It’s also a good idea to have a breast pump handy incase of sore nipples. If your nursery is upstairs make sure you have somewhere you can lay them/change them on in the area you spend the most time.
Catch up on sleep and you time
We cannot stress this enough! Once bub is out, you will put yourself last and find it hard to get a minute to yourself. So please do all the ‘you time’ things you ever wanted before they arrive. (and recall on these memories in times of need!).
Are you pregnant and want photos taken of your new born by a Gold Coast photographer? Call us! 0449 658 131