How to Choose a Children’s Photographer

When it comes to getting photographs of your children, there are so many Gold Coast photographers to choose from that finding the right one for your children can be difficult. The photos you will have taken of your children will hold memories for a lifetime; therefore, you want to make sure that you get it right.

Children’s Photographer

As mention, there are plenty of Gold Coast photographers to choose from and their prices vary, however unfortunately—like most things—you get what you pay for. Having been in the industry for many years, I know that if you want professional looking photos taken of your children, then you need choose a professional children’s photographer. You certainly won’t regret it as you treasure these photos for years to come.

If you want your children’s photos to capture their true characters, then the following guide will be well worth reading in order to help you choose the right children’s photographer.

Word of Mouth

This is without a doubt the best way to find a photographer that will give you the best photos of your children. Ask your friends, co-workers and family members if they have had any experience with children’s photographers and research their recommendations.

Puts your children first

A children’s photographer priority should be is to make your children feel comfortable. When looking for a photographer, meet with them with your children to get a feel for how they interact. Ask them what their process is for shooting children and how they create the right environment that will allow your children to be relaxed and calm about the photo-shoot.

I know from personal experience that shooting a children’s photography session when children are not comfortable or relaxed is a children’s photographers’ worst nightmare. Therefore, getting children in an environment that is known to them or filled with distractions is without a doubt the best option for getting photos that are natural and filled with the children’s personalities. You do not want to spend hundreds on a children’s photographer only to end up with less than natural looking photos that you cannot stand to look at.

Flexible with photo-shoot locations

A good children’s photographer should ask you to choose a photo-shoot location of your choice; somewhere where your children feel relaxed such as at home or another location such as a park or the beach.

Taking photos at home or in a well-known location will ensure your children are surrounded by familiar things that they enjoy interacting with. Catching children as they play and enter into a world of their own is the best time to take photos of them.

This is something I always encourage with my photoshoots as it helps makes the children’s experience more pleasurable, and in turn, helps me capture children in their natural state.

Pre-Shoot Studio Visits

If you do choose to do a studio shoot, it is a good idea to ask the photographer if are ok with you bring your children into the studio before the actual day of the photo-shoot so that they can get used to the idea and become familiar with the studio and its surroundings. Some children get very uncomfortable when they are in strange surroundings and around strange people, which can make taking the photos a difficult thing.

Consider Little Orange Photography

At Little Orange Photography, I suggest to parents that they think of the best locations for their children’s photos to ensure every photo I capture is natural and true to the children’s behaviour.

As a leading Gold Coast photographer, I will advise you on what I feel is best for your children and your children’s photography session. I will also advise you on the ways in which to get the best from your children during the photo shoot and most importantly, your children’s wellbeing and happiness are my priority. For more information on our children’s photography service, be sure to visit this page.


Having your children’s photos taken should be a time of fun and excitement. The experience should be one that they will never forget but in a good way. However, choosing the wrong children’s photographer can make this very difficult. Following the suggestions outlined above and ask your potential photographer any question you may have to help you make your decision.

A good children’s photographer will know how to work with your children to make them comfortable to achieve the best results. Take your time with your decision in order to make an informed choice that will result in the best experience for you and your children.

If you have already decided that Little Orange Photography is the children’s photographer for you and your children, then get in touch with me today to book your session.

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